
理想中的美麗,靈感來自物質與形狀之間的平衡。而 Davines 的風格靈感則來自簡單、和諧和品味。
透過創造「美麗」, Davines 希望鼓勵人們好好照顧自己、照顧自己生活及工作的環境、照顧自己所愛的事物。
理想中的美麗,靈感來自物質與形狀之間的平衡。而 Davines 的風格靈感則來自簡單、和諧和品味。
透過創造「美麗」, Davines 希望鼓勵人們好好照顧自己、照顧自己生活及工作的環境、照顧自己所愛的事物。
於 DAVINES,我們相信在美麗與可持續性的平衡中生活,也就是在「永續美麗」中生活,可以改善我們的生活,甚至改善世界。
對我們來說,可持續發展一直是一個對自己、客戶、合作夥伴、環境和後代負責的問題。For us, sustainability has always been a question of responsibility towards ourselves, our customers, our partners, the environment and future generations.
We have chosen to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined in the UN's 2030 agenda, for the sustainable development of the planet, projecting these goals into our corporate strategy. In this annual report we talk about our sustainable activities and projects with a positive impact, presenting the results obtained and the objectives we set for the following year with transparency.
Read our Sustainability Report